Tel: 01482 353022 Fax: 01482 568193 Email: rachael@motortradesgta.org
North Humberside Motor Trades
Group Training Association
Training for the Needs of the Motor Industry
Providing the Latest Motor Vehicle Education, Training and Professional Development
The North Humberside Motor Trades Group Training Association (GTA) was formed in 1972 by employers within the Retail Motor Industry with the support of the Industry Training Body, the Road Transport Industry Training Board.
In 2018 we were delighted to be awarded the the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Approved Centre - Outstanding Achievers Award. To our amazement the GTA were in the final 2 of 660 National and International Centres, The Director of Learning and Training Manager were invited to the IMI Fanshaws in Hertfordshire, and accepted the award in the presence of Prince Michael of Kent.
Upon the cessation of the statutory levy in the late 1980’s, the GTA decided to become a registered charity in order to maintain its objective “To provide, further and assist in the provision of training for persons employed or intending to be employed, in road transport activities”. Charitable status was achieved in 1990.
The GTA is run by the industry for the benefit of the industry and on a non-profit making basis. We are committed to high quality training demonstrated by our achievement of the Investors in People.

We currently have 25 member and 116 associate member companies allied to the Association who utilise the experience of the GTA for the recruitment, selection and training of apprentices.
The Association currently has 12 full time members of staff and 1 part time.
We offer training and qualifications for motor vehicle apprenticeships for light and heavy vehicles.
In 2010 we opened our own in-house training centre in partnership with Hull Training, delivering underpinning knowledge to our students, previously sub-contracted to local colleges.
Following our first Ofsted Inspection in November 2021 we were Grades as Good in all areas are graded as level 2 as a Good Provider and our current published overall success rate is 91.3% compared to a National average of 70.5%
In 2017 we saw the need for local motor industry professional qualifications increase and now offer a range of high demand courses such as MOT New Tester, MOT Centre Manager, Light Vehicle Inspection, F-Gas, Hybrid and many more.